Friday, October 29, 2010

The Rents

So I got back from picking up my parents and going out to dinner with my parents. It was a good dinner. We went to an izakaya in Mobara where I went with my dad when he came back in August. I usually would have said to try a different place, but there's a JUSCO right next to the restaurant and the station and we had to do some food shopping after anyway, so we just hung out around there.

It was good. We had different assortments of sashimi, salad, meat, and other good stuff. It was good to see my parents again who I haven't seen since I left for Japan (with the exception of my dad who I saw back in August).

But we finished up dinner and then headed over to JUSCO to do some shopping where I picked up a couple more pillows as well! :) I looovee pillows. Haha, that's the one thing that I've really been missing. If you knew me back in the states, you would know that I really really........

really...realllly loooove pillows! I mean really love pillows! Just ask my friends or family. I usually had a minimum of about 6-8 different pillows on my bed. An assortment of down feather, body, and normal pillows. Yes, completely necessary if I might say so myself.

So if you think about it, I've actually been depriving myself of my pillow joy while in Japan. I've been trying to live more "frugally" and being less "materialistic", haha. Pillow are a materialistic item for me. But tonight I added 2 more pillows to my collection.....yes! Anyway, I'm glad to have gotten to catch up with my parents and I'll be able to show them around the area and where I live. It's nice that there's skype so that I can talk with them and tell them how everything's going, but it's better to be able to actually show them around and have them see for themselves what it's really like here in Isumi and for me to live in Japan!

Well, it's late, and hopefully the bunkasai won't be canceled for tomorrow. I received a phone call from one of the English teachers at my school warning me that there's a possibility that the bunkasai could be canceled tomorrow...:( There's supposedly a pretty big typhoon making its way toward Tokyo and if it comes in tomorrow, then it will not be good news!

So we'll cross our fingers and see!

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