So on Saturday I went up and met up with someone from Tokyo and we went kotatsu shopping. It's officially the season for kotatsu and it definitely showed at the store. We went to a DIY store called Nitori. And well, let's just say it was "slightly" crowded there! Haha, everyone was out to buy a new kotatsu to stay warm for the winter. So there may be some of you out there wondering what a kotatsu is. It's a table that's exclusively in Japan. The tabletop is separate from the rest of the structure. The reason is so that you can lay a blanket down over the structure, and then place the tabletop over the blanket that you lay out. The blanket is also supposed to be large enough to drape over the sides and create an insulated pocket beneath the table. That way it traps in the heat. "Heat?" Yes. There is a heater built in to the table which plugs in to an outlet. You turn on the heater and it heats up, then you sit under the table cuddled up with the blanket and keep warm.
Sound fantastic!?! pretty much is. I'm sitting under mine as we speak this instant! I think that I will be sitting under this table a lot this winter...staying warm and probably falling asleep there every that's why my new kotatsu is good and bad!
After getting a kotatsu, we headed over toward Tokyo Tower. Tokyo Tower is a structure in Japan that looks very simi
Well, we went to visit and check it out. I was interested in going up to the main observatory...but the line to go up was ridiculously long!! So we bought some Tokyo Bananas. Yeah, that's right. Tokyo Bananas. Haha, she pointed out this unique food to me and I really wanted to try it. It's a banana shaped fluff cake filled with a banana custard. It's really good! I'm glad I got this to try it!
And so we headed to sushi for dinner, where I had some good sushi and tried "Shirako" for the first time, I think...I can't remember if I had eaten it before, but I'm pretty sure it was my first time. I may have tried it before...but I forget. But basically it's the eggs of fish, but it was delicious! We also had some other sushi and then headed back. Well, Tokyo Tower was still there, but luckily the long lines to go up weren't! So we he
We also got our picture taken with the Tokyo Tower official mascot, Noppon! And if you're wondering whether Noppon is petting our heads...that would be yes!
There was also a lookout window from the floor. From this window, you could look straight down and it's as if you're standing on clouds! Haha, not
I have a notebook where I have random things written down. Among the randomness is a list of things that I want to do while in Japan. Well, visiting Tokyo Tower was on that list, and now I can check it off! Yay! Although buying a kotatsu was not on that list, I can gladly say that I have one and will be staying warm this winter! Yay to that as well!
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