Tuesday, Oct. 12th:
8am-4:15 pm, Classes at Shogako
4:20-4:30 pm, Shower
4:35 pm, Rush out of house to get to Taito station to meet up with friends to go to Shinagawa
5:05 pm, Get to Taito and drive with 2 friends toward Shinagawa
5:35 pm, Get to Togane to pick up one more friend
6:00 pm, Realize that we probably won't make it to Tokyo in time if we drive...bad traffic
6:25 pm, Arrive in Chiba to get on train toward station. Park car
6:26 pm, Stop at convenience store to pick up a drink and quickly rush toward Chiba station to get on train that departs at 6:33 pm
6:32 pm, Get on train that departs at 6:33 pm.
6:33-7:23 pm-ish, Get to Shinagawa station and meet up with our new lady friends for the evening
7:30-10:30 pm, Eat dinner and have a good time
1o:33 pm, Figure that we should hang out longer since we came all the way to Tokyo...3 of us JETs have school/work the next day...
10:45 pm, Hop on a train toward Chiba to find a karaoke place there
11:15 pm, Get off train at Chiba and wander around to find karaoke
11:30 or 11:40 pm, Get in to karaoke and begin singing for the night
Wednesday, Oct. 13th:
1:30 am, Still singing karaoke for the night and stop for an ice cream break
2:00 am, Realize we should probably figure out what we're going to do and start heading back home...
2:15 am, Head toward car to drive back home. Figure that we'd all drive back toward Ohara and drop myself and my friend off. Then owner of car would drive the ladies toward his place to drop them off at the station to catch their first train back to Tokyo
2:20-3:45 am, Drive back to Ohara
4:10 am, Arrive back home and shower again...
4:30 am, Go to sleep for the "night"
7:15 am, Get up for work
8:00 am-4:15 pm, Work all day...luckily first period was canceled!
4:20-5:30 pm, Took a NAP!!
7:30 -9:00 pm, Had Adult Language Class (Eikaiwa class)
10:30 pm, Went to beeeeedddd....an "early" night!
Haha, yeah, so Tuesday night was quite a long, but fun night! I was tired at work needless to say. Hopefully I will be catching up on some sleep these next few days, especially this weekend! Looking forward to relaxing. But it's been fun in Japan so far! No complaints.
So now let's rewind to the weekend....
Oct. 9th-11th:
This past weekend was also filled with fun times. Started with Friday night in Togane with friends and hanging out to watch the soccer game. Japan won!! 1-0.
Then on Saturday, my buddy and I headed to Tokyo to meet up with another friend. Did some shopping and hanging out on Saturday...I also got a kendama...my new addiction! Saturday night we ended up hanging out in Ikebukuro and went to some bars to just chill. Then we went back to our friend's place and crashed.
On Sunday, we woke up and got ready to go to Yokohama. In Yoko
hama, we went to Chukagai to eat some Chinese food and check it out. We ate some good Chinese food and really spicy Mapotofu! I was sweating...haha.
There was also this amazing candy/sweet thing. It was a stringy sugary...cotton candy like thing, wrapped around some sweet peanuts that they put in the middle. Just amazing!!!
But we also stuck around for dinner and looked at more shops. I'm starting to see a trend in Japan....there's a LOT of shopping areas...and you can't help but just do that all day...and night! But anyway, on Sunday night, we headed b
ack to Tokyo in the evening and walked around for awhile. We were all pretty tired, but we had a good time. We explored a little bit around and then called it quits for the evening.
On Monday, we woke up and went to the local mall to do....more shopping! Haha. But we explored around the mall and then headed back to Ohara for the week...
Fun times and it just doesn't stop!
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