But anyway, a lot has been going on and I feel like I've been pretty busy every second....so I guess I kind of have an excuse....
Well, I'll begin with the end of August to get you up to speed. My father came into town on his way back from Thailand, yay! My first visitor! He stayed with me for a couple days, then we went to Nagano together. We spent a nice long weekend in Nagano and was able to
My dad were in a mad rush to get out of town so that we would not get into Nagano too late on Wednesday evening (Aug. 25th). I had a half day this day because it was still summer break and not much was going on. I brought my dad in to meet some of the school teachers and other peeps at the BOE. Then, we were off!
When we finally arrived in Nagano, it was rather late. We got in close to 8:30pm, but didn't get to my dad's place until after 9pm. When we get to Nagano, we always have to turn on the water since we don't keep the pipes on for obvious reasons while we're not there...(freeze in the winter). So we turned on the water and had some running water.....or so we thought! My father tried turning on the shower and no water was coming out. I tried flushing the toilet, and nothing happened. We tried turning on the water in all the sinks and still no luck! Yeah....so this sucked. We double checked outside to make sure that the pipelines were open and they were. My father called the man who helps take care of our place while we're gone and probably close to an hour went by. He was trying to explain to my dad that there's also another line at the end of the street where we needed to go to open another line.
Well we still weren't having much luck, so finally the man came himself! At this point, it was 10:30 or 11pm....my dad and I were dead tired, sweaty, and just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep! We finally got the water situation fixed and were able to at least get comfortable and go to sleep that night!
We spent the next few days in Nagano running some errands, sight-seeing, and visiting some relatives. It was fun and relaxing, but extremely hot! That seems to be the trend around here....
Although since the Hadaka Matsuri this past Thursday, it's been cool and rainy. Quite a turn of events in the weather!
Well, I feel a little more caught up now. There's still more things to post (my first days of school, my school's Undokai, and how the kids are) so keep coming back!
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