So it`s been awhile since I posted because I`ve been busy and haven`t had close internet connection...but I`m at an internet cafe now and can update! I guess I`ll start where I left off.
So on Monday we had orientation stuff. Nothing earth shattering...but that`s what I had been hearing from previous JETs and such anyway, so I wasn`t expecting too much. The day ended and we had a reception. Soon after, we had none other than a Karaoke night! We teamed up with other Nagasaki-bound JETs for a night of fun. We were at a place called Big Echo for nearly 2.5-3 hours...lots of singing and lots of fun.
The next day was full of more orientation events, but geared more toward our specific prefectures. We also got more information about our cities and what to expect when our BOE actually picks us up! At this point on Tuesday, the reality of everything was sinking in...this whole time inTokyo was blanketed with other JETs, friends, English-speaking staff which was going to soon be removed and hit us like a brick wall. We could hang out with our newly made friends and not worry about the start of our new lives all by ourselves in our new cities.
Well, Wednesday morning came and it was judgment day!! Haha, well, not really but it felt like it. well, not really but it felt like it. All 800 some lives of the JETS at group A were going to change that day. I know mine did. In the morning when we arrived at the place where we meet our BOE, it was nerveracking and hot. Humidity in Japan is just horrible...But anyway, we were in a small building where we put our luggage and then went up to a small room on the 4th floor. There, us 9 new Chiba JETs sat on one side while our COs (Contracting Organizations) sat on the other. One by one they called out our names, we went up to the front, and then were introduced and taken away. I was the 3rd to last called, so it was nerverack front, and then were introduced and taken away. I was the 3rd to last called, so it was nerveracking to see everyone else go and see our group slowly dwindle away. In a way it seemed like the end, but it`s really the beginning of like the end, but it`s really the beginning of something completely new! After getting called, I met with my supervisor who was accompanied by a member of the BOE who used to be a math teacher. They were both really nice and both knew some English, so we could speak a mix of the Japanese that I know and the English, so we could speak a mix of the Japanese that I know and the English that they know. We had to drive back down to my town, which would be about 2-2.5 hours, so town, which would be about 2-2.5 hours, so we stopped for lunch along the way. We went to a simple place where they serve hambaagu (yes, that`s a Japanese style hamburger with different sauce and flavor) and steak. I got a hambaagu and was full. Soon we continued our way and eventually to my town. I was expecting my place to be in the middle of nowhere, but actually when we passed I have lots of neighbors and am close to some civilization...THANK GOD! First, we went to the BOE office to pick up my 2 went to the BOE office to pick up my 2 large suitcases. Yay! They were both there! I was worried some or all my luggage would get lost but they arrived safe and sound...well mostly safe. One of my suitcases is a little older and I guess it`s on it`s last struggle. The case doesn`t stay`s a snap shut large hardcase, so I think it`s had snap shut large hardcase, so I think it`s had the last it could handle hardcase, so I think it`s had the last it could handle and was a little busted open, but good think I had a luggage strap which kept it closed. I met various people in the BOE including the head hancho...kind of was not expecting to meet so many people on my first day but good thing I was dressed appropriately for the occasion. After getting my luggage, we dropped it off quickly at my luggage, we dropped it off quickly at my house and hurried over to the middle school where I met the school staff and Vice Principal. After spending some time there, we went to the city hall for me to begin the application process for various other things....Alien Registration Card, bank account, passport stuff...etc. Then, I went back to the school because there`s a speech contest coming up and they wanted to meet to start talking and planning for that! Can you believe it? On my first day and they already wanted to rack my brain! haha, oh well, I`m fine with it and am happy that they think I will be helpful.
The Principal was there briefly too but insisted that I go home to change and get into more relaxing clothes so that we could chat and get to know each other. Thank goodness...I wanted to get out of my suit ASAP! So I went back to the school and chatted with the boss and another teacher for about an hour. Soon after, we went on a hunt for dinner with the above mentioned and my predecessor and the local dentist, who speaks great English.
We finally found a place and all ate there. Being very tired at this point, I was glad to have some food and be ready to get home. After geting back, my predecessor showed me around some of where the major points that I`d need to know and by the time I got back, it was around 11pm! I completely crashed, but when a new person moves in to a house in Japan, apparently they cut major things for the house such as the gas I had to take a cold shower!! Unbelievable! Granted it`s hot in Japan, cold showers as an only option are not that fun! So the next day my supervisor and I went to go take care of that , so now I have warm showers! Thanks!!
Thursday, I went in to the school a little bit to get to know the teachers and such and to start looking at the speech contest materials. They haven`t selected all the participants yet but I guess they`re getting there. They`re worried this year because they haven`t selected all participants yet and the contest is coming up Sep. 28th...Seems far away, but it`s summer vacay for the students right now so they do not want to practice, school willl start for them and it`s busy then, and they also have to memorize that equation put together creates panic for the vice principal....
Welll Thursday evening I did some laundry and tried to figure some stuff out in my apt. I also went shopping with my supervisor to get some stuff such as food, sheets, materials, and other house stuff to start off with. That evening, 3 young kids also knocked on my door. I was surprised at first because I have no idea who they were...just curious to see who the new English teacher in town is!! LOL, they were talking to me and asked me how I knew Japanese and why I could speak so well...haha, they didn`t even realize that I`m actually Japanese American! That`s a good thing I guess so then the students at school will talk to me in English and think of me as their English teacher.
Friday, I ran some other errands with my supervisor and went to school later. I met with the English teacher and we created recordings of some of the Speech Contest materials. Basically my voice as an emcee so the student practicing could hear the correct pronunciation and such. Hopefully the student will practice and I`ll have time to practice with them next week.
In the evening, there was an enkai (Company party) with the BOE. Typically, they serve tons of food, drink, and fun times at these parties. Also, it is customary for the top people to either be sitting at the head spot and going down or starting from the middle out....Being a guest of honor, they had me sit next and by the head people!! I was surprised as they thought of me as an honored guest! Very nice people! haha, it was a fun night though...I told them I don`t drink alcohol and they were all happy and understood regardless. In Japan, people get really drunk and drink a lot at the enkais. And yes, people last night did the same. There was beer flowing from the glasses and cups of sake being poured left and right. Everybody was nice and we busted out the karaoke machine, of course! I sang the 1st pressure! haha, Bon Jovi It`s My Life was a hit and people loved it. We did karaoke for the next few hours and it was a blast. Afterward, my supervisor had told me that no party had ever lasted so long. We started at 6pm and it went til about 10 or 10:30pm. Sounds early, but she said it usually lasts til about 8pm....guess I just bring the party to life!! haha, jk.
But now I come to today, Saturday, where I wanted to get out and explore....and get some internet! So I decided to drive up to Mobara, which is about 40-45 mins. away from my house. It`s a larger city and there`s an internet cafe here. I found out about the internet cafe because I asked the mail delivery guess as a foreigner you just have to ask anyone. She delivered some bank stuff to me this morning and then I asked for some help from her about locations of things. She went away and came back with a map of where to find this internet cafe, and even offered to show me and come with me so I would find it after she got off work! Again, such a nice culture of people. But I politely refused, telling her I couldn`t make her do such a thing...besides, I have to explore this country myself and get lost in order to that`s half the fun, right?
Well, if you`re still reading, I`m shocked...I think I`ve written a novel by now and am glad to have this updated. I`ll post more about my house with photos/videos later on. Until then, sayonara!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
First night in Tokyo
So we arrived at Narita airport around 4pm on 7/25/2010. This wasn't so bad considering our flight was scheduled for 3:35pm and we didn't take off from Chicago until nearly an hour and a half after our scheduled departure time. The flight wasn't too bad and I watched two movies and then slept...haha, nothing new there. I have an ability to sleep anytime and anywhere...except now. It's 4am here and I am wide awake! My roommates in the hotel are sleeping right now and I couldn't sleep much more for now, so I'm updating this.
Customs and Immigration went smoothly. And no luggage lost at the airport! Yes!! We were all ushered through quickly with JET volunteers helping us find our way and made it on to buses to take us to our hotel. On the bus were current JETs volunteering to help out and there they gave information about orientation and the like. We finally arrived at the hotel around 6:45pm. It was about an hour and a half bus ride from Narita airport. Not too bad considering Tokyo traffic can get pretty bad.
Later, I met up with some other JETs and we went to go find some food. We went to an Izakaya (appetizer bar/restaurant) and ate some random assortments of food which was good. After that, we thought about karaoke but we were all just too tired to actually go somewhere to do that. I think JET schedules it this way on purpose to prevent people from going out and making bad life decisions before orientation even starts...:) haha. well good thinking on their part. We all walked around a little bit and kind of hung out. Then we got back to the hotel around 10 and I was asleep at 11pm.
We have our 1st set of orientation things tomorrow morning (7/26) and will get to meet a whole bunch of other people as well!
Well, I guess that's all for now and I'll keep posting and updating as we go along.
Customs and Immigration went smoothly. And no luggage lost at the airport! Yes!! We were all ushered through quickly with JET volunteers helping us find our way and made it on to buses to take us to our hotel. On the bus were current JETs volunteering to help out and there they gave information about orientation and the like. We finally arrived at the hotel around 6:45pm. It was about an hour and a half bus ride from Narita airport. Not too bad considering Tokyo traffic can get pretty bad.
Later, I met up with some other JETs and we went to go find some food. We went to an Izakaya (appetizer bar/restaurant) and ate some random assortments of food which was good. After that, we thought about karaoke but we were all just too tired to actually go somewhere to do that. I think JET schedules it this way on purpose to prevent people from going out and making bad life decisions before orientation even starts...:) haha. well good thinking on their part. We all walked around a little bit and kind of hung out. Then we got back to the hotel around 10 and I was asleep at 11pm.
We have our 1st set of orientation things tomorrow morning (7/26) and will get to meet a whole bunch of other people as well!
Well, I guess that's all for now and I'll keep posting and updating as we go along.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
T-1 and Departure
Hey so I'm combining T-1 and Departure because I didn't have internet on T-1....sooo I'm at the hotel right now and just got in to Tokyo! The flight was long but it went by quickly. AA was ok....I thought we'd be on a 747 but we were on a 777 which is a little smaller. But overall, it's been a fun time and we've been having a great time together. Even though we're in Tokyo, it doesn't feel like we've left for a completely different country yet or are in one because we still have the comfort and company of other English speaking JETs around. And being in Tokyo, there are many people who can speak English around.
Tonight, we're going to go find some dinner and then hopefully find a place to Karaoke or do something typically "Japanese"! Then tomorrow begins our orientation and all of the workshops which should help lead up to our jobs!
Well, this is a short post but I'll post more when I have more time later. Tokyo!!!!
Tonight, we're going to go find some dinner and then hopefully find a place to Karaoke or do something typically "Japanese"! Then tomorrow begins our orientation and all of the workshops which should help lead up to our jobs!
Well, this is a short post but I'll post more when I have more time later. Tokyo!!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
So today is T-2! Let's see, today I spent the morning and early afternoon running some last minute errands and getting some last minute things. I got a luggage strap to ensure that my luggage doesn't bust open in the middle of transit...I'm sure those airline employees wouldn't want to clean up my underwear that falls out of the suitcase. It's officially my last full day in Milwaukee and I can't believe that departure date is coming up and is real now! Up until now, it was so far away and seemed like a fantasy it's a reality! I didn't extract this or incept that idea or dream or fantasy! (haha, sorry, I just got back from seeing the new movie, "Inception" so I have dreams and reality all mixed up now....:) )
Overall, I'd say that it was a good movie. Not the best that I had ever seen, but a good new one that I've seen in awhile. It was really entertaining and action packed! I was really really confused at the beginning of the movie, but they tied the whole movie together really well at the end. Very interesting concept and overall, pretty good. And an added bonus, there was lots of footage and scenes in the motherland!!! Yeah, Ken Watanabe was in it and took them down on shinkansen and around Kyoto. There was also footage of Tokyo, so that was pretty sweet!
So as for packing...I'm REALLY close! I think I spare a few pounds in one check in before I hit the 70lb mark (otherwise there's a $450 charge per bag that is over 70lbs). Haha, I'm definitely NOT going to pay that fee. I'm just scrambling around tonight to make sure that I have everything together and am ready to go to Japan!
To add to my last day in Milwaukee, it has decided to be rainy/stormy all day long. This morning while running the errands, it was raining, but while I was in the movie theatre, a huge storm came through. Me and my friends had no idea until we got out and my buddie's mom had texted him about a local street and the major highway I-43 being shut down and underwater. We looked outside and we could barely see any buildings out the windows because the rain was falling so hard! Apparently in some areas, about 7-8 inches of rain fell within an hour. I'm no meteorologist, but that's a lot of water in one hour! And watching the news, my high school had some MAJOR flooding! They were showing footage and the hallways were filled with about ankle high water, and the basement where the sports locker rooms are were filled with around 3-4 feet of water....pretty major damage...:(
I really hope that this does not affect the roads still tomorrow because I have to get to Chicago tomorrow morning for the pre-departure orientation. In order to get south, we have to go on I-43 which was closed because of the flooding....not good news. Well, keeping my fingers crossed that the roads will be alright by tomorrow morning and that I'll be able to get down to Chicago alright!
Well, wish me luck packing up the rest of my stuff!
Overall, I'd say that it was a good movie. Not the best that I had ever seen, but a good new one that I've seen in awhile. It was really entertaining and action packed! I was really really confused at the beginning of the movie, but they tied the whole movie together really well at the end. Very interesting concept and overall, pretty good. And an added bonus, there was lots of footage and scenes in the motherland!!! Yeah, Ken Watanabe was in it and took them down on shinkansen and around Kyoto. There was also footage of Tokyo, so that was pretty sweet!
So as for packing...I'm REALLY close! I think I spare a few pounds in one check in before I hit the 70lb mark (otherwise there's a $450 charge per bag that is over 70lbs). Haha, I'm definitely NOT going to pay that fee. I'm just scrambling around tonight to make sure that I have everything together and am ready to go to Japan!
To add to my last day in Milwaukee, it has decided to be rainy/stormy all day long. This morning while running the errands, it was raining, but while I was in the movie theatre, a huge storm came through. Me and my friends had no idea until we got out and my buddie's mom had texted him about a local street and the major highway I-43 being shut down and underwater. We looked outside and we could barely see any buildings out the windows because the rain was falling so hard! Apparently in some areas, about 7-8 inches of rain fell within an hour. I'm no meteorologist, but that's a lot of water in one hour! And watching the news, my high school had some MAJOR flooding! They were showing footage and the hallways were filled with about ankle high water, and the basement where the sports locker rooms are were filled with around 3-4 feet of water....pretty major damage...:(
I really hope that this does not affect the roads still tomorrow because I have to get to Chicago tomorrow morning for the pre-departure orientation. In order to get south, we have to go on I-43 which was closed because of the flooding....not good news. Well, keeping my fingers crossed that the roads will be alright by tomorrow morning and that I'll be able to get down to Chicago alright!
Well, wish me luck packing up the rest of my stuff!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Alright, T-3 and counting....da da da..........
So about exchanging currency at the bank...yeah...not going to happen. I went to the bank yesterday for 2 reasons. First, because I'd been collecting small change for several years now and decided to finally cash that in. I spent probably nearly an hour counting it all! I had so many coins, and figure extra 105 bucks for me!!! Woo hooo! Saving up those pennies is definitely worth it! So I went to cash those in at the bank and secondly, to ask about exchanging currency and the rate they use.
I called the downtown branch a few weeks ago to find out if they have a service fee and if they have foreign currency on hand. Well the person I talked to apparently is a LIAR! He said there were no fees, and that they could exchange the currency right then and there. So I went to the downtown US Bank in Milwaukee and asked to do that exchange. The lady there was like "well actually, that person must have been mistaken because there's going to be a $10 service fee on that...sorrry....." and someone else chimed in "we haven't done that for nearly 10 years now..."
Yeah, so that person on the phone was DEFINITELY a LIAR!
Well, I asked what the exchange rate was to see how close it is to the market rate of about 1USD=87 Yen. Apparently the bank is not the best place to exchange currency because they quoted the rate of 1USD=81 Yen PLUS that $10 service fee!! What a ripoff! So I decided not to exchange any money yesterday and probably won't before I leave. Luckily I found some Yen in my room from previous trips which I had saved, and my parents had some so I exchanged some cash with them (They are the best bankers with THE best rates ever!) haha. So I have enough to cover me through Tokyo and til I get to my city. I suppose I'll just exchange currency at a local bank when I get to my town. I also called Chicago O'Hare to see what rate they use and they are absolute thiefs! 1USD=75 Yen and they charge a fee unless you exchange more than $500 worth of cash. Narita airport actually has the best rate...1USD=83.9 Yen. I would exchange there, but apparently after we disembark in Narita, we are not going to have enough time to do anything at the airport besides grab our luggage and be shoooeed through to our buses that take us to our hotel in Tokyo. Bummer...
Well, the packing situation has gotten a lot better. I put about 90-95% of the clothes I'm taking with me in all my luggage, and I actually have plenty of room to spare! Who woulda thunkit? So I'm pretty happy. I just have to wait until I wait it on our scale here to see what the damage might be....pleeeeaasse no more than 50lbs. per check in....otherwise there's a $50 charge which I can deal with. It'd be nice not to have to pay that fee, but if I have a ton to bring and I need to bring it regardless, then it's worth paying only $50 rather than having it shipped which would cost a lot more, I'm sure.
So about exchanging currency at the bank...yeah...not going to happen. I went to the bank yesterday for 2 reasons. First, because I'd been collecting small change for several years now and decided to finally cash that in. I spent probably nearly an hour counting it all! I had so many coins, and figure extra 105 bucks for me!!! Woo hooo! Saving up those pennies is definitely worth it! So I went to cash those in at the bank and secondly, to ask about exchanging currency and the rate they use.
I called the downtown branch a few weeks ago to find out if they have a service fee and if they have foreign currency on hand. Well the person I talked to apparently is a LIAR! He said there were no fees, and that they could exchange the currency right then and there. So I went to the downtown US Bank in Milwaukee and asked to do that exchange. The lady there was like "well actually, that person must have been mistaken because there's going to be a $10 service fee on that...sorrry....." and someone else chimed in "we haven't done that for nearly 10 years now..."
Yeah, so that person on the phone was DEFINITELY a LIAR!
Well, I asked what the exchange rate was to see how close it is to the market rate of about 1USD=87 Yen. Apparently the bank is not the best place to exchange currency because they quoted the rate of 1USD=81 Yen PLUS that $10 service fee!! What a ripoff! So I decided not to exchange any money yesterday and probably won't before I leave. Luckily I found some Yen in my room from previous trips which I had saved, and my parents had some so I exchanged some cash with them (They are the best bankers with THE best rates ever!) haha. So I have enough to cover me through Tokyo and til I get to my city. I suppose I'll just exchange currency at a local bank when I get to my town. I also called Chicago O'Hare to see what rate they use and they are absolute thiefs! 1USD=75 Yen and they charge a fee unless you exchange more than $500 worth of cash. Narita airport actually has the best rate...1USD=83.9 Yen. I would exchange there, but apparently after we disembark in Narita, we are not going to have enough time to do anything at the airport besides grab our luggage and be shoooeed through to our buses that take us to our hotel in Tokyo. Bummer...
Well, the packing situation has gotten a lot better. I put about 90-95% of the clothes I'm taking with me in all my luggage, and I actually have plenty of room to spare! Who woulda thunkit? So I'm pretty happy. I just have to wait until I wait it on our scale here to see what the damage might be....pleeeeaasse no more than 50lbs. per check in....otherwise there's a $50 charge which I can deal with. It'd be nice not to have to pay that fee, but if I have a ton to bring and I need to bring it regardless, then it's worth paying only $50 rather than having it shipped which would cost a lot more, I'm sure.
Alright, now that I'm on track with counting down the days, today is T-4!! I'm just getting all my clothes and other things ready to go. I haven't actually packed my suitcases yet...just prepping the things that will go inside. At first, it was a daunting and never-ending task that I just couldn't overcome. But last night I sat down for about 2-3 hours and sorted out the clothes that I want to bring over and folded everything. Now that I look at it, it doesn't seem so bad and I think that I just thought I had a tooon more than I thought.
I say this now, but when I actually start packing I'm sure I'll begin to get tight on space and have a hard time again, haha. But that's the nature of packing for at least 1 year! Right now I'm ripping a bunch of old CDs I found to my computer so that I can have random music to listen to that I hadn't already put in mp3 format.
Before I leave, I also want to exchange some currency. My parents had some Yen leftover from all their excursions back and forth and were gracious enough to give me an excellent rate on some Yen!! But I'll have to make a trip to the bank as well to exchange some more....and the rates nowadays are NOT looking so good. When I first looked back in late May/June, the rate was not great, but much better than it is now. It was 1USD = 93 Yen. Since then, I've been keeping track of it and it's down to 1USD = 86-87 Yen...and has been hovering at around that...:(
Well, what can you do...that's the nature of the economy and how things go I guess. So I'm just going to have to take my losses on this one for now. Hopefully when I eventually come back to the US, these rates will be like this and I can get the most USD for my Yen!!! Haha, we'll see.
Well, it looks like for tonight I'll continue packing and see how my luggage situation pans out!
I say this now, but when I actually start packing I'm sure I'll begin to get tight on space and have a hard time again, haha. But that's the nature of packing for at least 1 year! Right now I'm ripping a bunch of old CDs I found to my computer so that I can have random music to listen to that I hadn't already put in mp3 format.
Before I leave, I also want to exchange some currency. My parents had some Yen leftover from all their excursions back and forth and were gracious enough to give me an excellent rate on some Yen!! But I'll have to make a trip to the bank as well to exchange some more....and the rates nowadays are NOT looking so good. When I first looked back in late May/June, the rate was not great, but much better than it is now. It was 1USD = 93 Yen. Since then, I've been keeping track of it and it's down to 1USD = 86-87 Yen...and has been hovering at around that...:(
Well, what can you do...that's the nature of the economy and how things go I guess. So I'm just going to have to take my losses on this one for now. Hopefully when I eventually come back to the US, these rates will be like this and I can get the most USD for my Yen!!! Haha, we'll see.
Well, it looks like for tonight I'll continue packing and see how my luggage situation pans out!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
T-5 Today!
So in yesterday's post I got a little bit ahead of myself and said that it was T-5 days til takeoff...actually, TODAY is T-5 til takeoff. I guess I'm just too excited and antsy to actually be on my way to Japan! I can't believe it's coming up this Saturday!
Well, I haven't done the best job on my packing situation...I've had a lot of time to get my stuff together and as expected, I have all my stuff laying around and am trying to "think" of the best way to get it all organized and ready to go! Did you expect me to have everything ready by now anyway? I guess the picture below shows me in desperation as I try to figure my luggage out!

Well, I haven't done the best job on my packing situation...I've had a lot of time to get my stuff together and as expected, I have all my stuff laying around and am trying to "think" of the best way to get it all organized and ready to go! Did you expect me to have everything ready by now anyway? I guess the picture below shows me in desperation as I try to figure my luggage out!
Yeah...This is not all the clothes I'm taking...I have lots more that I haven't brought into the room yet. So as of now, I'll be taking 2 large check-ins, one small carry-on, and my laptop briefcase. This is the main stuff that I'll be bringing with me. Now, THANKFULLY, my mom is coming to visit in October and she has been so nice as to be willing to take another luggage for me when she comes. So I'm also packing another large check-in which she will bring with her at that time that has my winter clothes in it. That way, I won't have to send myself stuff through the mail...that gets REAALLLY expensive now that they've done away with Sea/Surface Mail.
Well, wish me luck as I continue to get ready for takeoff! Japan, here I come!
Monday, July 19, 2010
So I haven't posted much lately, but that's because I've been at home in Milwaukee slowly but surely getting everything all packed and ready to go! I can't believe that takeoff to Japan is coming up so soon!
I'll be leaving in T-5 days! I'm taking off this Saturday from Chicago O'Hare Airport! Wish me luck on my jetlag and traveling adventures!
Since being back in Milwaukee from Minneapolis, I've made a few trips. I went back to Minneapolis to visit again and I've been down to Chicago to visit some friends. In between there, I got to spend a lot of time with my sister, brother in law, and nephew who is now 9 months old! It's been good to be back in Milwaukee for awhile and be able to take my time to get everything ready. Well, more posts to come!
I'll be leaving in T-5 days! I'm taking off this Saturday from Chicago O'Hare Airport! Wish me luck on my jetlag and traveling adventures!
Since being back in Milwaukee from Minneapolis, I've made a few trips. I went back to Minneapolis to visit again and I've been down to Chicago to visit some friends. In between there, I got to spend a lot of time with my sister, brother in law, and nephew who is now 9 months old! It's been good to be back in Milwaukee for awhile and be able to take my time to get everything ready. Well, more posts to come!
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